James- James took the role of being Josiah who was the character that has been locked in the dark dirty cabin that has all the mess that has built up over time being in there. These conditions were very poor which you can see in the photo bucket on my Blog. James also done the title research of similar documentaries that we could get ideas from to help our film opening look presentable and good.
Sophie- Sophie wrote out the storyboard for our film so we produced a plan for our shot sequences & camera angles with the length of shot. Sophie also done a very good job of editing the film which included the titles, credits and transitions between the video clips.
Harrison- Was playing the role of the neighbour that finds Josiah (James) in the cabin and is the main character that is seen in our film. Harrison and James also produced two newspaper articles together and done voiceover to what was happening in the video clips.
Aaron- I was the Director of Photography and filmed all of our footage with being the director of the planning of what we was going to do and what camera angles to use. Also started to do parts of editing. I produced the risk assessment and shooting schedule as well so that the three other members in our group can use.