Locked Up

The Guest Trailer

 The theme of this trailer is death, sex and action, you can tell this as there is many guns and explosions scenes showing action. The plot of the film is that a man who knows a boy which died, who the comes back to see what the family are up to. His image shows to the audience that he is mysterious and could be dangerous while he hasn't actually just come to check u[p on them, he means a lot more. From the mothers visual image you can tell that she looks like a typical conserned worried mother who accepts to lets this man into her home seeming like she is really nice and friendly. From seeing his body shows the sexual meaning that he is trying to get girls attention with it and he is not being shy of having it on show. The age of the charact is that the male in his 30's and the female in her 50's. The sound of the music used is up beat so that it keeps the audience on edge and tense about what could be happening next creating a big climax.