The following image shows the action/adventure film genre. You can tell this by the action part of aiming the gun towards the victim who is scared because of the position the attacker is in by making himself look big looking down on to his target which is exaggerated by the tilted camera angle. This shows the power he has over his victim. Props are used in the image to put emphasis on the genre of the event that is happening. Also shows that the victim is not feeling safe in the surroundings and needs a safety helmet to try and save or help in anyway. Something that could be changed could be to be able to see more emotions on the face of the victim to see how she is feeling to have a gun pointed at her and she could also be in a better body position so that viewers can see how she feels from the body language she is showing. Also to show that the scene is action/adventure, the villain could be in more of an moving position to show that he is going to do something in the next scene.