Locked Up

Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Forbidden Future

How I have found Film opening compared to Prelim task:
My first prelim task was very hard to understand and was confusing with the genre not being clear to understand. This compared to our film opening was that it looked much more realistic and the summary of the genre was clear throughout the making.

In Locked Up we used a lot more props and our location had more detail and time put into it so we could show the viewer in the film of how the boys living conditions. The images below show the detail we put into the design of the shed to explain by showing pictures.
Throughout my prelim task our group was always thinking of new ideas to add too our plan to make it better which means we didn't follow our first, set idea where as in Locked Up we managed to come up with a good idea in our group and stuck to this idea. My  prelim task was hard to make it understandable because there was so many ideas in there. so I have learnt to come up with a basic idea first in my group, then add ideas and the key small details into it to make look good, over film footage slightly so you have backup to use when editing as it is better to have too much than not enough.

The software I used producing my film opening was much more varied and more complex than of what I used for my prelim task. For my Film opening I used many different software's which include: Premire, Slideshare, Emaze, Photobucket, Soundcloud. Using a varied amount of programs makes my blog and work look much more like a presentation. Using different software's and programmes which enabled me to improve my editing on both pieces of work so it is better for the audience to view as they will find it more interesting and it will improve the grade of my work
The locations that I decided to use for both tasks worked out to work and fit well with what I was trying to complete. The Forbidden Future was a dark alley way with flashing lights which we used to create supence in a Sci-Fi genre. For Locked Up we used a messy dark cabin which we added a lot more mess too to create more detail about his living conditions.
Something that went wrong in Locked Up was the sound because the voice overs were not clear to hear because of the music being played in the back ground but we managed too change this so it is much easier to hear.

When filming Locked Up the outdoor lighting changed to get dark very quick which caught us out so when we edited our film we had to put a lighting affect on so you couldn't see the change in light. In Forbidden Future we used our lighting very effectively to create the sense of eeriness in a dark corridor. Where as in our film opening we didn't want to use advanced lighting because it wasn't needed for our genre and what we was trying to achieve.
The interview that took place in Locked Up didn't work as well as we hoped it too. This was because we couldn't hear the victims voice very clearly so we added in subtitles. Also because he acting wasn't as engaged and focus as we needed it to be there was smiling, laughing at the time we had to be serious with emotion.
Also when filming locked up we foundthat filming the main section of the piece in one day early on in the time we had to produce our piece worked really well as we got it done quick so we could start editing earlier and have everything to be completed. If the filming wasn't up to scratch than we could go and re-shot in the time we left ourselves of what we had left. So I will remember this next time as it is a good option to do with making a project.
I can now learn from all of these things and remember them for next time to improve on my piece of work.
Locked Up